Allie Jeong

Allie Jeong
Leadership Type
Summer Orientation Leader

Hey future Hoos!!! My name is Allie (she/her) and I'm a rising second year. I'm from Centreville, Virginia, and planning to double major in math and psychology (and hopefully become a teacher). My sister is a UVA alum so I kinda thought I already knew the ins and outs of UVA before coming, but boy was I wrong. There's just so much to do here! During my free time, I love reading and watching The Office (on my 5th rewatch right now) so if you're a fellow Scott's Tots, we'll be absolute besties. I also do lots of volunteer work through Madison House, which includes volunteering at the UVA hospital and helping out in local elementary schools. If you have any questions about literally anything, please reach out to me and I'll be happy to answer them. I am SO excited to meet all of you and I'll see you guys in the summer!!!