Cameron Penn

Cameron Penn
Leadership Type
Summer Orientation Leader

What's up, new Hoos! My name's Cam and I use he/him pronouns. I'm a rising second-year in the College and hoping to double major in Politics and African and African-American Studies. I've lived in Midlothian, Virginia (right outside Richmond) my whole life but I'm loving Charlottesville so far; it's such a great city. I'm a well known stem-hater and hope law school is in my future. So, if you're interested in law, let's talk! Around Grounds you can find me hanging out in the MSC, listening to music and writing on the lawn, or enjoying a Caesar salad at West Range. On Thursday nights you can find me at Washington Society meetings and Friday nights at club dodgeball practice. Yes, that is a thing! I enjoy thrifting, finding new music to enjoy and playing my guitar. I'm so excited to meet y'all and welcome you to Grounds. Wahoowa!