Ethan Dunn

Ethan Dunn
Leadership Type
Summer Orientation Leader

Hey y'all! Congrats on becoming the newest edition of Hoo's! My name's Ethan & I'm a rising third year from Houston, Texas. I'm in the College of Arts & Sciences and I'm intending on majoring in Economics with a minor in General Business. Here on grounds, I'm a member of the Collegiate 100 organization, as this year I'll be serving as the Vice President of the org. I've also been involved in the Black Student Alliance, and the M.O.C.H.A./W.O.C.H.A. program as well - so if you have any questions about anything just let me know! Besides class & extracurriculars, I honestly spend a lot of time on grounds hanging out with my friends & working at the Rotunda (you should stop by & say hi this fall)! I'm so excited to be your OL this summer and to meet all of you! If you see me standing around definitely come say hey and if you have any questions just let me know!