Gio Bonilla

Gio Bonilla
Leadership Type
Summer Orientation Leader

Hey, what's good, y'all, I'm Gio(he/him), a rising 3rd year majoring in Computer Science in the E-School, but at some point in my life I wanna come back and secure a PhD in Clinical Psychology to do work in Counseling. Club-wise, my one big commitment is Christian Hoos' Exalt, which is the Christian Acapella group here (wait, I forgot to mention I'm from Riverdale, MD, so shoutout all the Maryland homies lmao). I am a bit of a music nerd, so I tend to listen to lots of different stuff as well as collect vinyls every now and then(don't have a favorite artist per se, but I highly recommend Genesis Owusu, Kirin J Callinan, Funkadelic, Geese, blah blah blah I could go on lol). I also am really big into sports like soccer, UFC, football, and more recently basketball. I love trying out new things and learning the hard way about whether or not I like said new things. I also really like walking long distances rather than taking buses or VEOs because I have a bit of a vendetta against man-made transportation. Ummmm what else... I'm thinking of starting a podcast soon where I yap about things that interest me, so be on the lookout for that ig. Oh also, favorite classes are probably PSYC 1010 with Mazurek(just be careful cause he only gives out exams) and probably EDHS 3120 with Erin Ferguson(main issue is the class meets once a week for 2.5 hours, but besides that, very interesting class and W teacher). If you ever wanna like hang out or do whatever, feel free to reach out on Insta. Uhhh, I think that's it, but yeah I really cannot wait to start this OL thing, and I look forward to seeing all of your wonderful faces during orientation:)