Hewan Kasie

Hewan Kasie
Leadership Type
Summer Orientation Leader

Hi :) Welcome to UVA!! I'm Hewan Kasie and I’m a rising 3rd year. I'm a Global developmental Studies and English major ( possible law- track) and a data science minor in the College of Arts and Sciences. I am from Lorton Virginia, and I have grown to love Charlottesville despite its big change. Here at UVA, I’m a University Guide Service member and recruitment chair, so please feel free to ask me anything about UVA grounds and history. I’m a Black Student Alliance committee member, a member of SWAP, and The Cavalier Daily. I love baking and cooking, I’ve been trying my hand at crocheting ( not going well so far) as well as trying to get through all of my tween movie obsession without cringing ( also not going well so far) I love trying new brunch spots, and love spending time with my friends and most importantly love listening to music, whether that’s in car rides or just while laying out on the lawn! Enjoy your summer and I’m so excited to meet you!!