JaNiece Smith

JaNiece Smith
Leadership Type
Summer Orientation Leader

HEYA YALL CONGRATS ON BECOMING A CAVALIER : ))) My name is JaNiece Smith and I’m from Yorktown, VA. I’m a rising Third-year year majoring in chemistry and minoring in economics where I hope to one day be a pharmacist but TBH I’m fine with any job as long as I can buy a shiny black Porsche by the age of 29 or better yet a hot pink jet. Anyway, a few things I do on grounds are third-year council, epsilon eta, and res life ( I’m an RA). For personal interest, I enjoy breaking it down on the dance floor, so I have been on a dance team here called Afrohoos. I also enjoy thrifting, video games, watching anime or The Bachelorette, and weightlifting but only lower body. You can search for me on Instagram or by UVA email to talk to me. Enjoy your summer and I’ll see y’all during orientation!