Jo Baring

Jo Baring
Leadership Type
Summer Orientation Leader

Hi everyone and welcome to UVA!!! My name's Jo (she/her), and I'm a rising second year. I'm currently enrolled in the School of Nursing, and I'm grinding every day to be able to get my BSN and hopefully a masters :D. I was born in the Philippines and raised in New York, so trust me to give you all the hot tips and tricks for adusting to a new environment. I love playing video games, watching movies and anime, and am currently trying (and failing) to learn origami. On grounds, I'm involved in several cultural organizations, such as the Vietnamese Student Association and the Organization of Young Filipino Americans. As a first year I got lost a lot, so I also consider myself a master of UVA's little known back roads. Coming to university can be scary, but I hope I can work with you and make it fun!! I absolutely cannot wait to be your orientation leader <3