Kiera Butler

Kiera Butler
Leadership Type
Summer Orientation Leader

Hey, new Hoos! I am Kiera Butler, a rising second year from Williamsburg, VA. I’m on track to major in Computer Science and minor in American Sign Language, with fingers crossed for a spot in the Real Estate program. Some of my hobbies and engagements on grounds are First Year Players, Women in Computer Science, Girls Who Code, and Deaf Education Awareness for Students (DEAFS). I also work as a House Manager at Old Cabell Hall, serve on the Student Advisory Board for Disabilities, and create instructional materials for 4th-5th grade science teachers in the county. If you’re curious about getting involved or need some tips on balancing academics and extracurriculars, don’t hesitate to reach out. I can’t wait to meet you all and help you navigate your first year at UVA!