Monika Miranda

Monika Miranda
Leadership Type
Summer Orientation Leader

Hi to all the new Hoos! My name is Monika Miranda and I’m from Woodbridge, VA (Northern Virginia). I’m a rising second year with an intended double major of Environmental Thought and Practice and Global Public Health with an intended minor in Spanish. I love singing and have been in the Virginia Women’s Chorus for the last year :) I’ve also loved being a part of organizations within the Latinx Student Center like the Peer Mentoring Program. I also volunteered there and will hopefully be an intern there in the future. I love listening to music and love pop, reggaeton, and rap music. Things I like to do around grounds are hang out on the lawn, eat West Range, and get food truck food with my friends all the time. I am very social and will do any activity where I can talk to people, so I am incredibly excited to be an OL this summer and get to know all of you guys!