William Briese

William Briese
Leadership Type
Summer Orientation Leader

Hey y’all! Congratulations and welcome to UVA!! I’m William (he/him) I’m a rising third year English and Politics major (after changing majors 4 times) and I’m a transfer student from the Year in Wise program. I’m also a military kid (moved 13 times) but currently stationed in Yorktown and living on grounds in Hereford residential college. My hobbies include writing, reading, video games, video editing, exploring grounds and learning as much of the crazy wacky lore about UVA as I can (there’s a ton please ask me about it!). I’m an executive member of UVA Survivor club, a former Latinx center volunteer, and a big enjoyer of participating in random events and clubs around grounds. Feel free to reach out, I'm always up to talk about anything! I can’t wait to meet you all and start my OL journey with you this summer!!